our destinations
Obviously such an endeavour is subject to an almost infinite amount of uncertainty. The only thing we can be sure about is: it will most definitely become different from what we planned and hoped initially. Nevertheless we have a general idea of where we would like to go and be at certain times. All of this is of course subject to change as we will not get all the visa we need or any of the thousands of other possible reasons why we need to change our plans. We will in general try to more or less head to the east until we eventually circumvent our amazing world with our bicycles, tent and cameras.
We did our first proper 1000 km test bicycle tour from HAMBURG to FREIBURG, Germany in summer 2021. During this trip we made our decision to go final and ended all of our contracts (e.g. work, lease, cell, etc).
Official start of our world tour was OCTOBER 2021 in FREIBURG, Germany and cycled through France, Monaco and Italy where we took a ferry from BARI to PATRAS, Greece in early January 2022. After a 4 month intermission, due to family related issues, we continued from ATHENS, Greence in early May. Soon after we disembarked in CESME on on the Turkish mainland, where we took up cycling again. After crossing all the way through Turkey we had to turn north to Georgia before we eventually reached YEREVAN, Armenia in August 2022.
Due to many different reasons we ended up taking an extended break with Arev’s family in Armenia, finally working on our videos and freelancing to stay afloat.
In early MAY 2023 we want to cycle through IRAN, hopefully followed by the STAN countries. Maybe we manage to cross the KARAKORAM mountains west of the HIMALAYA in the early autumn from China to Pakistan to then spend the winter in India and Southeast Asia. We can’t say what will happen, and as we write these lines the border crossings and VISA situation is still unclear, but we hope for the best. Eventually we want to get to South Korea before the end of 2024 where we will need to decide which way to go next.